The first part, which involved around 80% of the total time employed, was mostly about figuring out how to read the internals of the FBX Model. This was facilitated by using the supplied program as a starting point. With this program already displaying on screen the desired information (polygons and vertices), the following task was to reduce the code to what was actually necessary, eliminating from the code all other unnecessary functions. Finally, the code was refactored for storing the information in data structures instead of displaying it on screen, and then the File System built last quarter was integrated in order to write all the data into a single file using the archiver format.
The second part consisted of integrating the File System into the Engine in order to be able to read the file back. After this, there were some minor tweaks done here and there in the Engine for interpreting the data accordingly, but in general the code was not changed in a significant way.
I have to mention that it is an awesome feeling when you glue all the pieces together and they work flawlessly from the beginning, especially when I am talking about code that I did not spent too much time testing, but its design has proven to be well-thought and bullet-proof so far. Of course I am speaking about the File System, which was incorporated into the rest of the code quiet easily and trouble-free, saving quite a few hours of extra work.
My fellow readers, here you have a little taste of the Updated Engine I just submitted:
Well, FBX models can be converted into my own file format now, and the engine can interpret and render them on screen. Next stop is Quaternions and Animations. See you soon!